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Arun S Pauer
Performed the Salsa routine for the song Ilaya Nila at the Anniversary partyIlaya Nila @ Taj
Dominican Bachata Footwork Challenge for Esta Vida by Yoskar Sarante Choreo by ArunEsta Vida Challenge

Song: La Cartera

Artist: Larry Harlow

Choreography: Ryoko Ohara, Japan

Dancers: Arun S Pauer, Vijay Balaji, Kristen Kogler, Anora Willy, Ayumi Matasura, Ryoko Ohara Video Edit: Arun S Pauer

This Choreography was part of the Online Live session for Afro Cuban Fusion instructed by Ryoko hosted by Salsa Madras, Chennai on 11 April 2021.

p.s. we dont own the rights to the music #salsamadras#online#afrocuban#afrocubanfusion#salsaon2#lacartera#larryharlow#fania#zoom#zoomdance#onlineclass#graz#austria#india#chennai#tokyo#japan#ryoko#arunspauer


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